User API
DataSetReader class
class DataSetReader
General purpose reader for data described by an Fides data model.
reads data described by an Fides data model and creates VTK-m datasets. See the Fides schema definition for the supported data model.DataSetReader
also supports reading meta-data.Public Types
enum class DataModelInput
Input types when setting up the DataSetReader
enumerator JSONFile
Brief input is path to a JSON file with the data model
enumerator JSONString
Brief input is JSON containing the data model stored in a string
enumerator BPFile
Brief input is a BP file that contains attributes that provide details for the predefined data model to be generated by Fides
enumerator JSONFile
Public Functions
DataSetReader(const std::string &dataModel, DataModelInput inputType = DataModelInput::JSONFile, const Params ¶ms = Params(), bool createSharedPoints = false)
Constructor to set up the Fides reader
See also
- Parameters:
dataModel – the value should be 1) a path to a JSON file describing the data model to be used by the reader, 2) a string containing valid JSON, 3) a path to a BP file containing attributes that Fides can use to generate a data model, or 4) a path to a BP file that contains a fides/schema attribute that contains the full JSON for the data model.
inputType – specifies what is stored in the dataModel arg. Optional
params – a map of ADIOS engine parameters to be used for each data source. Optional
void SetDataSourceParameters(const std::string &source, const DataSourceParams ¶ms)
Sets the parameters for a given data source. Currently, only the inline engine requires this to be called, which must happen before attempting to read data.
- Parameters:
source – name of the
, which should match a data_sources name given in the data model JSON.params – a map of parameters and their values
void SetDataSourceIO(const std::string &source, void *io)
Set the IO for a given
. This call should only be used when using the inline engine and must be called before attempting to read data or metadata.- Parameters:
source – name of the
, which should match a data_sources name given in the data model JSON.io – pointer to the ADIOS IO object
void SetDataSourceIO(const std::string &source, const std::string &io)
Set the IO for a given
. This call should only be used when using the inline engine and must be called before attempting to read data or metadata.- Parameters:
source – name of the
, which should match a data_sources name given in the data model JSON.io – the address to an ADIOS IO object, stored in a string
fides::metadata::MetaData ReadMetaData(const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> &paths = {}, const std::string &groupName = "")
Read and return meta-data. This includes information such as the number of blocks, available fields etc.
- Parameters:
paths – a map that provides the paths (filenames usually) corresponding to each data source.
groupName – looks for metadata on variables inside the given group.
vtkm::cont::PartitionedDataSet ReadDataSet(const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> &paths, const fides::metadata::MetaData &selections)
Read and return heavy-data.
- Parameters:
paths – a map that provides the paths (filenames usually) corresponding to each data source.
selections – provides support for reading a subset of the data by providing choices for things such as time and blocks.
vtkm::cont::PartitionedDataSet ReadDataSet(const fides::metadata::MetaData &selections)
Read and return heavy-data.
- Parameters:
selections – provides support for reading a subset of the data by providing choices for things such as time and blocks.
StepStatus PrepareNextStep(const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> &paths = {})
When reading in streaming mode, this method has to be called before reading any meta-data or heavy data. It will also move the reader to the next step. Fides will loop on a data source while ADIOS reports that it is NotReady, but the user should also check the return which could return fides::StepStatus::OK or fides::StepStatus::EndOfStream. If EndOfStream, all steps have been read.
- Parameters:
paths – a map that provides the paths (filenames usually) corresponding to each data source.
- FIDES_DEPRECATED_SUPPRESS_BEGIN vtkm::cont::PartitionedDataSet ReadStep (const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &paths, const fides::metadata::MetaData &selections)
Same as
except that it works in streaming mode and needs to be preceeded by PrepareStep.- Parameters:
paths – a map that provides the paths (filenames usually) corresponding to each data source.
selections – provides support for reading a subset of the data by providing choices for things such as time and blocks.
- FIDES_DEPRECATED_SUPPRESS_END FIDES_DEPRECATED_SUPPRESS_BEGIN std::shared_ptr< fides::datamodel::FieldDataManager > GetFieldData ()
Get a pointer to the field data manager
See also
FieldDataManager, FieldData
- FIDES_DEPRECATED_SUPPRESS_END std::vector< std::string > GetDataSourceNames ()
Get std::vector of DataSource names.
std::set<std::string> GetGroupNames(const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> &paths)
Get all available group names.
Public Static Functions
static bool CheckForDataModelAttribute(const std::string &filename, const std::string &attrName = "Fides_Data_Model")
Checks a bp file for an attribute containing information that Fides can use to generate the data model. Static so that it doesn’t require setting up the DataSetReader first. Useful for applications like ParaView, where it wants to check if it can use Fides to read a file without needing to configure Fides first.
- Parameters:
filename – Name of file to check
attrName – Name of attribute to look for
enum class DataModelInput
Keys and MetaData
KeyType fides::keys::NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS()
Key used for storing number of blocks meta-data. Uses fides::metadata::Size
KeyType fides::keys::NUMBER_OF_STEPS()
Key used for storing number of steps meta-data. Uses fides::metadata::Size
KeyType fides::keys::BLOCK_SELECTION()
Key used for selecting a set of blocks. Uses fides::metadata::Vector<size_t>
KeyType fides::keys::FIELDS()
Key used for available array meta-data and array selection. Uses fides::metadata::Vector<fides::metadata::FieldInformation>
KeyType fides::keys::STEP_SELECTION()
Key used for selecting time step. Uses fides::metadata::Index
KeyType fides::keys::PLANE_SELECTION()
Key used for selecting planes for XGC data. Should only be used internally. Uses fides::metadata::Set
struct Size : public fides::metadata::MetaDataItem
Meta-data item to store size of things such as number of blocks.
Public Functions
inline Size(size_t nItems)
Public Members
size_t NumberOfItems
Number of items (e.g., blocks)
inline Size(size_t nItems)
struct Index : public fides::metadata::MetaDataItem
Meta-data item to store an index to a container.
Public Functions
inline Index(size_t idx)
Public Members
size_t Data
inline Index(size_t idx)
struct FieldInformation
Simple struct representing field information.
Public Functions
inline FieldInformation(std::string name, vtkm::cont::Field::Association assoc)
- inline FIDES_DEPRECATED_SUPPRESS_BEGIN FIDES_DEPRECATED (1.1, "fides::Association is no longer used. Use vtkm::cont::Field::Association directly.") FieldInformation(std
Public Members
Name of the field.
vtkm::cont::Field::Association Association
Association of the field. See VTK-m field association for details.
inline FieldInformation(std::string name, vtkm::cont::Field::Association assoc)
template<typename T>
struct Vector : public fides::metadata::MetaDataItem Meta-data item to store a vector.
template<typename T>
struct Set : public fides::metadata::MetaDataItem Meta-data item to store a set.
class MetaData
Container of meta-data items. This class is a simple wrapper around an std::map that makes setting/getting a bit easier. Internally, it stores objects using unique_ptrs but the interface uses stack objects.
Public Functions
template<typename T>
inline void Set(fides::keys::KeyType key, const T &item) Add a meta-data item to the map. Supports subclasses of
template<typename T>
inline const T &Get(fides::keys::KeyType key) const Given a type, returns an object if it exists. Raises an exception if the item does not exist or if the provided template argument is incorrect.
inline void Remove(fides::keys::KeyType key)
Given a key, removes the item from the map.
inline bool Has(fides::keys::KeyType key) const
Given a key, checks whether an item exists.
template<typename T>
Useful enums and typedefs
enum class fides::StepStatus
Possible return values when using Fides in a streaming mode.
enumerator OK
enumerator NotReady
enumerator EndOfStream
enumerator OK
using fides::DataSourceParams = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>
Parameters for an individual data source, e.g., Parameters needed by ADIOS for configuring an Engine.
using fides::Params = std::unordered_map<std::string, DataSourceParams>
Parameters for all data sources mapped to their source name. The key must match the name given for the data source in the JSON file.